As of late I’ve been researching several things: how to make a movie, steps needed to make a movie, people required in making a movie. Along with that, I’ve been researching how to develop my own personal writing identity so as to gain a reputation and get noticed. Basically, I realized no matter how badly I want this movie to be made or how good this script actually is, if I don’t market myself and the movie heavily, nothing will ever happen.
To that end I’ve started a Facebook page;
(If you haven’t yet please friend us)!/
A myspace page:
Established a email address:
There’s also a full website for which I’ve registered the domain name, it’s still under construction, however.
And obviously there’s this blog which you are reading.
Along with all of those things I am also creating content regarding the movie as much as possible.
As for me personally and my own writing, I don’t really want to put all of my eggs into one basket. Statistically speaking I have a better chance at being published/discovered if I put more stuff out into the world. To that end I have decided to start publishing humorous articles on in an effort to get my writing out there. All of this crap I’m doing now is called ‘formatting’ and it’s what successful writers do to develop their style while establishing themselves as professionals.
Who knew all of this extra b.s. just to get someone to read a script about a bunch of guys making dick and fart jokes in a meat market? Sweet Lord why didn’t I just go to
Any how, more on all of these processes soon and some of my potential article pitches…

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